BlueCielo Meridian Asset Management Module 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About working in the maintenance management system > Viewing documents > About the BlueCielo viewer > Setting viewer options > Raster file options

Raster file options

The table below lists the viewing and printing options of the BlueCielo viewer for raster document types.

Raster file options
Option Description

Actual (1:1)

Sets the initial view to one pixel in the raster image corresponding to one pixel on screen. Raster images display the most detail at this scale, without any pixel scaling.

Fit in Window

Displays the image to fit within the viewer window as the initial view.

Automatically rotate TIFF images based on EXIF orientation


Pan in Key Direction

When a cursor key is pressed in Pan mode, pans the image in the same direction as the cursor key.

Pan in Opposite Direction

When a cursor key is pressed in Pan mode, pans the image in the opposite direction as the cursor key.

Print Option


Fit image to page

Scales the drawing to print within the printer page size.

Current view


Real size (1:1)

Prints each image pixel as one printer pixel. This option will produce different sized output depending on your printer’s resolution.

Actual size (1:1)

Some raster image formats, particularly those created by scanners, include resolution information. This option renders the image to the printer according to this resolution factor.

Force scanned resolution to be

Forces the image resolution to this value regardless of the resolution value stored in the image.

If scanned resolution is unknown, assume

Applies this resolution value for images with unknown resolution values.

Print Images

Some raster image formats, particularly multipage TIF and GIF, support multiple images within one file. Use this option to select the images to print.

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